Pancho Barnes and the Happy Bottoms Riding Club


New member
This ia now on Amazon Prime and a great watch. When did we stop referring to women pilots as Amazons of the Air? Surely we have lost something.
Have not seen the film but read a biography of her. Certainly a flamboyant and notable character, though not particularly admirable in my opinion.

Dissipated several small fortunes on extravagant parties, unfaithful to her husband, could never make a profit out of several promising business opportunities.

Once flew a plane around the LA area illegally looking for an instructor to solo her, with several friends on board, but couldn’t find one. Returned to the home airport with so little fuel, that upon subsequently starting and taxiing for fuel, the engine quit from fuel starvation.
SoCal RV Flyer said:
Yeah, but the life stories of straight-arrow goodie-goodies rarely make for compelling biographies.
True generally. My impression was her behavior was more reprehensible than merely not being a straight arrow goodie goodie though.

There are many admirable individualistic interesting people. She did not impress me as one of them.