Part 23 reorg final rules expected Nov. 2017

Jim Logajan

Staff member
Congressional bill states:
Not later than December 15, 2015, the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall issue a final rule--

The FAA's response:
Recommendations were recently developed by a 55-member rulemaking committee that includes representatives from the FAA, European Aviation Safety Agency, National Civil Aviation Agency of Brazil, Civil Aviation Administration of China, Transport Canada, Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand, several airplane and avionics manufacturers, and industry groups. The committee presented its recommendations to the FAA in June 2013. A reorganization of Part 23 will implement many of the committee’s recommendations with a final rule expected by November 2017.
Full "Fact Sheet" published Jan. 27 is here; worth a review:

Another quote from that release, related to another thread:

New technologies such as inflatable restraints, ballistic parachutes, weather in the cockpit, angle of attack indicators, and terrain avoidance equipment could significantly reduce GA fatalities. Inflatable restraints and angle of attack indicators have the greatest likelihood of significantly improving safety.
cctsurf said:
Un @%^#$ Believable!
Welcome to PoA ... but is that any sort of language for a pastor? :D

The story so far:

2008: The current reorg process is born[sup]1[/sup].

2011, August: The Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC) is chartered by the FAA.[sup]2[/sup]

2013, May: "Small Airplane Revitalization Act of 2013" is introduced in the U.S. House that directs the FAA to issue final rules by December 2015 that will implement the recommendations of the ARC's final report, once it is issued.[sup]3[/sup]

2013, June: The ARC issues its final report containing its recommendations.[sup]2[/sup]

2013, July: "Small Airplane Revitalization Act of 2013" bill is passed by the U.S. House.[sup]3[/sup]

2013, August: The FAA extends the charter of the ARC to August 2015 to provide clarity on two recommendations in the final report.[sup]2[/sup]

2013, October: Senate version of "Small Airplane Revitalization Act of 2013" bill is passed by the U.S. Senate.[sup]3[/sup]

2013, November: Amended version of the "Small Airplane Revitalization Act of 2013" bill is signed into law by the president.[sup]3[/sup]

2014, January: The FAA notes in a fact sheet that it expects a final rule in November, 2017.[sup]4[/sup]

2014, April: ....

From start (2008) to alleged finish (2017) this review and reorg will have taken nearly 10 years. And there is strong reason to believe that many in the FAA will attempt to gut its thrust because, as noted by Matt Thurber when the revitalization act was first introduced in May 2013: "... the FAA, like any government bureaucracy, will not give up power without a big fight that could last for years or even decades. "[sup]5[/sup]

[1] "Historically, the FAA has hosted regulatory reviews for part 23 about every 10 years. The two most recent part 23 reviews were performed in 1974 and 1984. In 2008, the FAA initiated the current, ongoing review process by starting with the Part 23 Certification Process Study (CPS)." (Looks to me like the last 10 year review gap stretched to 24 years!)



