POA and their Management Board


New member
I am not at all a fan of POA. Over the last 4 months I have been trying to get somone in this organization to respond to my request to review misleading and inacurate information about my person and my business. Your management team has responded to me with the following note pasted below.

Talk is cheap. If someone is posting something that is not at all correct, and they are not able to support their comments. POA has a moral responsibilty to remove that post immiedeatly. If you can't back it up, take it down.!

This post was sent by the Evel Over Lord.

Frankly yes. Give it up. POA is not responsible for information posted by others. If someone wants to rant about a civil dispute, right or wrong or somewhere in the middle, as long as they abide by the terms of service, they can do so, and POA Management isn't going to interfere.

Originally Posted by Dominque
I have sent a private message to the managment board, and no one has responded. I would like to see this matter resolved, as I am spending way to much time on this. Do you have any suggestions?

Greebo said:
Oh, well, since he decided to go public on this first...
I like principles and their consistent application because it makes life a teeny tiny bit more predictable. I only mention this moral failing of mine because:

The PoA rules explicitly disallow public posting of private messages without the consent of their author. Did you get that consent? I ask because I don't see any exception to that rule that suspends it because "he started it first" or "the author is a jerk and doesn't deserve the protection of those rules - and I can prove it using private messages."

At this point I don't see what the point is of even having a list of "Rules of Conduct" if the only rules being consistently applied are those with the phrase "sole discretion."

Question for any MC members who might see this post - what was the reason, if known, for the OP's alleged failure to get any response at all from the MC?