PoA Weight loss support.


New member
So one of my posts was about needing podcast for a 5k I want to do in the spring. I've been going to the gym consistently for the last 2 weeks. I have a trainer that kicks my butt. I'm sitting here and never felt more alive. Feels so good to be getting into shape and I just wanted to share. :) My husband hasn't quite got onboard with losing weight so maybe we can support/post when we feel good about getting our W&B more aft(?)
So one of my posts was about needing podcast for a 5k I want to do in the spring. I've been going to the gym consistently for the last 2 weeks. I have a trainer that kicks my butt. I'm sitting here and never felt more alive. Feels so good to be getting into shape and I just wanted to share. :) My husband hasn't quite got onboard with losing weight so maybe we can support/post when we feel good about getting our W&B more aft(?)
If you apply the same perseverance toward weight loss that you applied toward getting your pilot certificate, I imagine there wont be anything left of you by next spring. :wink2:

I've dropped from about 175 lbs to 158 lbs in the last year. At 5'8", that moved my BMI from 26.6 to 24. A modest amount compared to others, but it does feel good. But though I seem to have plateaued, I'm looking to bring the weight down to 150 lbs. I was that weight up to about 20 years old; now that I'm 56 I'm looking to regain a bit of my youthful energy.

Keep it up - and remember weight reduction and maintenance often requires a change in life style.
Technically I don't need to lose anymore weight; my BMI (24) is in the "normal" range as well as by my own subjective criteria.

But according to some of the material I've found, greater health benefits are more probable about 8 lbs less than my current weight (BMI 18.5 to 22.9).

If I may suggest one possible motivational action to others: post once a week one's lowest weight or average weight for the past week, minus one's starting weight.

So I start at 0 lbs (actually 158 lbs, but no one needs to know my absolute weight.) A week from now I'm down to 157, so I'd post -1. Next week if I'm down to 156 I'd post -2. If I gain back a couple to 158 because of holiday feasting, I'd post 0. No one needs to know anyone's absolute weight, just the amount lost or gained.

Because I seem to have plateaued, and because I know from past efforts that I can't seem to lose more than 1 lb every 1.5 weeks over the long term, my own goal is to lose 2 lbs a month for the next 4 months.
saracelica said:
According to the gizmo thing at the gym I lost 2.0% of body fat in a month. Go ahead ask if I go flying anymore. (From one addiction to another) Okay yeah I did put 0.4 on the hobbs last night for night currency but that has been the extent of it. Starting to fall in love with the gym again and heck it's winter, preflighting in the winter sucks.
Congrats! Keep losing the same number of pounds each month and you'll vanish in 4 years and 2 months. :wink2:

I haven't lost (or gained) anything in the last week. But we're in the middle of a master bathroom remodel and I had to move and cover the elliptical machine because it was set up near the bathroom, so haven't been exercising.
Marauder said:
One thing I still do that is considered controversial by some is that I weigh myself every day.
I didn't know that was controversial - I've been weighing myself every day before going into the shower in the morning.
I managed to hurt a knee, so I've curtailed my usual exercise for a while. Instead I'm experimenting with 7-Keto-DHEA I ordered from http://www.lef.org

Too soon to tell how well the 7-Keto is working. I'm also taking LEF's "Calorie Control Weight Management Formula" (CCWMF). There is a fiber in it called propolmannan that definitely speeds stuff through you, to put it diplomatically.

My weight did start to creep up a couple pounds within a week after I had stopped exercising. After I started the 7-Keto and CCWMF the two pounds came off the next week - but that may be coincidence.
As of today my BMI is 22.7. (149 lbs; 5'8")

My target was originally 150 lbs, so since I seem to be on a roll I have set a new target of 145 lbs (BMI of 22.) I've been losing weight the last 3 months at a modest 3 lbs/month. Prior to that I had plateaued for several months around 158 lbs. For the record, I started about two years ago at 173 lbs. The heaviest I think I ever was in my life was 180 (BMI 27.4)

The only change I made that seemed to trigger leaving the plateau was going to a half sandwich at lunch (coincidentally I started losing weight again the day after I did a long cross-country flight to a couple grass fields I wanted to claim for Operation Fly.) Obviously I had been controlling my diet up to that time. I have also been increasing the resistance on the elliptical that I've been using 6 days a week for half an hour each day. That probably helped a little too. To motivate myself to get on the elliptical on a regular basis, I've tried listening to music and tried to read or study. None of those seemed to really motivate me - just made it bearable.

What I found worked to motivate me to exercise regularly was when I downloaded Stargate SG-1 episodes to my iPad. I allow myself to watch them only when I exercise. I had only seen the last couple years of Stargate SG-1 (and enjoyed it) so that left probably over 170 earlier episodes I'd never seen. (I'm now up to season 7.) I may watch "Have Gun, Will Travel" episodes next - I've seen a few bootlegged episodes on Youtube and the shows seem to stand the test of time. Other than the famous closing theme song I barely remember reruns from my youth - the series started the year after I was born. It also helps that there are over two hundred episodes, most of which I've never seen. But getting those onto an iPad would not be as simple as buying from iTunes since they appear to be only available on CD.
Bob Noel said:
You might have made an error with the input. I just entered 6' 1" and 150 lbs, and the calc spit out 19.8, which is the low end of normal.

But 5' 1" and 150 would be about 28 or overweight.

I wish the calculator also estimated body fat and provided a fudge factor for muscle mass. As it is right now, that calculator is kind of useless.
This web page provides results using several other alternate formulas that people have devised:
