Politically Correct ?


New member
I went to office depot yesterday to get a few things. At the check out, I said Merry Christmas. The lady at the register replied with "Happy Holidays".

Later, at the mall my wife bought a few items from a shoe store (Foot Locker). Again as we left I said "Merry Christmas". A kid of about 20 replied with "Happy Quanza". This time I got ****ed. No, I said Merry Christmas. He then replied ne was not allowed by management to say that.

I asked to see the manager.

He came out and explained the company did not want to offend anyone. I told him I was offended with the Quanza thing. AT that point he said, sorry, company policy.

OK then, I want to return these three pair of shoes I just bought for $299. He tried like hell to convince me but I was ****ed at that point.

Was I wrong. Are we no longer celebrating Christmas ? Did something change while I was taking a nap ?

Just venting folks.

BTW. Merry Christmas to all my PoA friends.
A kid of about 20 replied with "Happy Quanza". This time I got ****ed.
Thank you - your post was most enlightening about your personality and attitude toward those who do not share your beliefs.

By the way:
"Politics and religion and any other topic likely to become highly charged must be posted in The Spin Zone."

(The last two times I made a post that quoted PoA rules, the moderators removed both of those posts. Except for a winking smiley and the quoted text of the posts I was replying to, the only content I included was a copy of one of the PoA rules - nothing else.)