Possible menieres disease


New member
Last April during bday weekend i went out drinking. Following day i felt fine went to the zoo and on my way back i got an extreme case of motion sickness. I could barely drive a few blocks until i got the urge to throw up. I didnt have vertigo and I can control the car I just got a really bad motion sickness. I was like that for around 3 days then I was slowly able to drive and fly again but had some nausea. After a month it completely cleared and out of no where the same thing happened while I was flying on aug 17. Yet again I know I didnt have vertigo because I was able to land just fine. 3 days later I went to urgent care and they said they found fluid with bubbles in my left ear. Lately I've been having pain in my left ear, feeling like its stuffed and tinitus. I'm still having issues with driving and motion sickness and it's been two months now. I went to 3 ents. Two thinks it might be menieres and one thinks it was eustachian tube disfunction. I start with skywest next month so I really want to get over this before my class starts. When it happened in april I was still flying and driving I just took pepto bismol for the nausea and mucinex because I thought my ears were full. I have a allegory test and balance test next week. Anybody have any idea what this might be. I really dont want to miss this class or loss my opportunity to be a airline pilot.
I think the ENT doctors you saw are your best advice and you should follow up with them. The details of the exam and history will matter in terms of figuring this out. Anything people here can tell you will be considerably less accurate.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Mikegxgt2000 said:
As for sodium I think that what caused it. I was doing aerial survey work living in hotels all over the country. I never usually eat frozen meals but I was having alot of that and the hotel food they give at the hotels. My last bought I had congestion on my left ear for 3 days then it happened.
Evidently a lot of people report Meniere’s disease being partly responsive to sodium in the diet, however, the evidence for the benefit of sodium restriction is apparently weak.