Post Oshkosh COVID anyone?


New member
With all the news about the virus lately, I am not making fun nor political statement, I was wondering if anyone has been diagnosed/symptoms with COVID? I was at AirVenture everyday for the whole week and talked and shook hands with thousands of people. It has been two weeks since leaving and I have been fine. I trust everyone else is too.
I know a fully vaccinated instructor who was there 1/2 of the event and came down with COVID-19 near the end. Very mild case.
Katamarino said:
The problem is that the virus circulates within the large unvaccinated pool, mutates, and likely shifts to a variant which can defeat the virus; thus becoming a problem for everyone again.

Unvaccinated also expect medical care, subsidized by everyone else, when they catch COVID - and take up medical resources that could be used to help people who deserve it.

Foreign countries also tend to keep travel restrictions against places that have large pools of unvaccinated, with disease circulating; maybe not a problem for Bubba from Buttcrack, Arkansas but an issue for the rest of us who like to have wider horizons.
So I guess that was about 2 hours after re-opening of the thread.

bflynn said:
In the interest of correctness - the virus mutates when it replicates and it can only replicate when it is inside a living cell. The vaccine prevents replication and do not increase the likelihood of a replication being a mutation. It is orders of magnitude more likely that mutations happen in unvaccinated people.

now that this argument has started…IBTL
I don’t know that there is hard data out there on the likelihood of mutant forms of the virus arising in vaccinated versus unvaccinated people and then spreading.

One can make theoretical arguments either way. I would suspect that at most the difference would be 1 order of magnitude since many of the vaccines in use were about 90% effective in preventing infection in the original studies, not 10% or 99%.

This pandemic involves a lot of percentages like that and does not well conform to the usual qualitative descriptions of being “completely effective” or “worthless”. Thus many of the overheated arguments which are the equivalent of “it’s black”, “no it’s white” when the real answer is it is about a 70% shade of gray.

Returning now to the normal arguments over qualitative distinctions …
Katamarino said:
True, maybe I should have posted links to anti-mask "studies" with misleading excerpts instead.
That subject is now banned here so not possible to respond to your snarky attack. Sorry.