Re-Entering Aviation


New member
Hello All:

I am preparing to re-enter aviation after a 30-plus year hiatus, and I have a couple of questions to which I have not been able to find straightforward answers. I stumbled across this forum while looking for information on an automobile engine conversion. After spending a few hours reading various threads and posts I am so sorry I didn't find Pilots of America sooner.

I was a very young Army helicopter pilot a little over 30 years ago. I did not continue flying after I left the Army. I have a long-dormant single-engine turbine commercial helicopter pilot license with an instrument endorsement. I also have ALL of my military flight training records.

During the 30-year period following my departure from the Army I changed my name to one significantly different from the one I was originally given ande served with.

I would like to consolidate my military training records into a more conventional pilots logbook, in part because my original training records are cumbersome and, more importantly, because I would like my records to all be in my current name. For personal reasons I do not want my records to reflect the name I was originally given.

I know that getting my license re-issued in my current name is no problem. However, I do not know whether/how I can legally or properly consolidate my prior records, or if I can do so in such a way as to protect my privacy.

Does anyone have any potential insight into this situation?

Here is a bit more personal information about me:

Total flight hours: Approximately 450
Aircraft: TH-55 (Hughes 269) and UH-1H Hueys

Following my time in the Army I served the remainder of my military career in the Coast Guard as a marine inspector, investigator, and attorney, before retiring. Following my retirement I worked as a civilian civil rights attorney in private practice for about 10 years. Then I co-founded a gun company with a couple of colleagues and served as its managing partner for several years before selling my interest in it almost a year ago. I am currently waiting out a non-compete restriction as a condition of sale, after which I intend to develop some new designs and start a new company.

In the meantime I am working on getting a house ready to put on the market, working through the restoration/modification of an old pickup truck, and looking to build my own 2-seat gyroplane. Hence my inquiries into updating my license, flight records, etc.

Thanks for reading my post,

MirandaB said:
My intent is to fly sport pilot only. After all, I am only planning to fly a 2.1-place rotary wing E-LSA in daylight VFR, including some cross country (the extra one-tenth of a seat will be to accommodate our two tiny chihuahuas).
You may have a problem, depending on the rotary wing you have in mind - as far as I know helicopters cannot be flown with sport pilot certificate, and they cannot be registered as LSA. However, I believe gyroplanes can be registered as LSA and flown with sport pilot license.