Ready to give up


New member
I'm at that point right now. Last week I did mock checkride with different instructor and did ok. He shared his observations with my regular instructor and today we went up to polish up the rough edges and if all went well call the DPE. Things started out ok till we diverted to a different airport to do soft field and short field landings. First 2 attempts were go arounds so now I was frustrated. Took me a while to get my site picture dialed in but by then I couldn't seem to get anything right. We headed back back to the home field and on the way did a simulated engine out, that went well. Did a short field landing at home base. After a critique of the flight my instructor asked if I was able to fly twice a week. The airport is 50 miles from home and I work all the overtime I can to pay for flying so Sun. is my only flying day. If all I can do is once week and at that rate I'm just always polishing the rough edges I figure I might as well quit while I'm ahead.
patmike said:
I'm still here. I think I'll take a combination of all the good advice and encouragement. Take a week off and see how things look. Maybe go fly by myself to that other airport and practice up there.
To get the motivation back up, you should also go flying just for the sake of flying - no planned practice. Plenty of scenery to just take in from 1000 - 2000 AGL.