Recommendations for airplane purchase/partnership-Need lots of advice


New member
Hi all,

Am looking to put together an aircraft partnership in the Chicago area (north burbs - KPWK ). Have 2, possibly 3 people (including myself) that have expressed interest.

Several questions that I would like to put to the group:

1. Is there an optimum number of partners to be put into a partnership based on experience? Would you recommend an odd number of partners for decision making purposes, i.e. 3 or 5?

2. This may be too difficult, based on the following criteria, what are your recommendations for aircraft to look at:

- Must hold a minimum of 4 people, with a useful load of 1,200+ pounds.
- No preference if retract or fixed gear
- use 10-12 gph at 75% power cruise
- Be relatively (i know that is a subjective term) easy to fly for lower time pilots, i.e have good handling characteristics both in the air and on the ground
- Can cruise at 140 or so + knots
- Have ample cabin room for bigger folks
- Be a popular commercial make/model - i.e. no experimentals
- Generally have a decent panel for IFR platform (yes I know there are options all over the board on this one - I guess I am looking for "typical" stock configurations)
- One with a good operating history for the make/model
- One that has groups of pilots who fly type
- One with manufacturer support
- prefer, but not absolute, fuel injected
- has an autopilot such as an (but not absolute) S Tec 55.

Keep in mind, two of the individuals in the group have either NO or Little retract time. Please give make and specific model, and years if possible. Also, which are costlier items to install - autopilots or GPS units.

3. For the IFR platform, what are recommendations for avionics to look for (i.e. type - GPS etc, radios, make/model).

4. What are some other features to look for?

On a preliminary basis, we believe the aircraft will probably have to be 200+ HP at a minimum.

5. How do you find good A&P for pre-buy inspections? Would you roll up the pre-buy into an "annual" thereby accelerating the annual?

6. For a 4 seater such as a C-182, Dakota/Pathfinder, Comanche, Mooney, etc, what are costs for totally overhauling the interior?

7. For those aircraft, what are costs for adding an autopilot, i.e. an STEC 55, if none currently exist and have never been installed and are there any recommendations for good shops. How long does such a project usually take?

8. What does it cost to upgrade a Garmin 430 or 530 non WAAS to WAAS? How long does that take? What do the database subscriptions for those units cost on an annual basis? Again, are there any recommendations for good shops?

9. If going to glass panels, are Aspen 1000 available used? If so, how would I find out?

10. Are there any reputable shops that sell used/refurbished avionics? Is this a good way to go?

11. Has anyone ever used AOPA legal services in reviewing the purchase agreements? Were they timely?

12. Any suggestions for good places to look for insurance? I am a member of EAA and AOPA.

13. Any ideas what it will cost to swap out a transponder to make it 2020 compliant?

14. Lets say you have an aircraft that is reasonably well maintained, no corrosion, about 1,000 hours before engine overhaul. All A/D are complied with. Interior is aged. Needs a paint job, has no autopilot, needs a 430 WAAS upgrade, but meets all other requirements. What are recommendations your for the order of upgrade and relative cost.

15. What does it cost to cut a custom panel? Any ideas of reputable shops.

16. Any suggestions on where, how to look for such an aircraft?

Thanks for all your anticipated input.