Recommended route Atlanta > Tucson


New member

I'm contemplating flying a Corben Baby Ace (single-seat taildragger, open cockpit, no electrical system) from near Atlanta to Tucson (~1400 nm) mid/late November. Range is 200 nm, but I'm trying to keep the legs less than 120 nm. Although I've got 3000+ hours, I have very few taildragger hours. In fact, I'm finishing up my taildragger endorsement next week.

Apart from cold, turbulence, non-VFR weather, sparse population west of Texas, and high density altitudes, what other issues and contingencies should I plan for? Any preferred routes? I'm in no hurry to get back. I'll have a handheld radio and Foreflight on my iPad.

Any experiences and recommendations welcome!
While the I-10 is the easy route, I would find a route further north in NM and then closer to Baldy Peak to be more scenic and challenging. All depends on what you are looking for.