kyleb said:
If I was a user and lived in Colorado, I'd casually read that question and interpret it as "No, I haven't used illegal drugs." It is a legitimate answer to the question. If the FAA wants to clarify, fine, but until they do...
You may wish to consider the fact that, if I recall correctly, lying on this form is a Federal felony. If the Federal prosecutors have even an arguable probable cause to claim you can be charged with a felony, they can make your life hell as they investigate or indict you, no matter how it eventually might turn out in court. And that court battle would likely cost several hundred thousand dollars and possibly take years. You might spend that time in Federal prison waiting for the case to wind through the courts.

Clearly up to each individual which legal battles they want to fight, but as in the general advice, choose your battles carefully.
kyleb said:
That said, if the FAA's questions are not specific, whoever is answering has the benefit of answering the question as they read it. The lack of specificity around the word Federal opens a window to interpretation. I'm sure the FAA wouldn't want that window open, but it is up to them to close it, not the person who's responding to the question.
Well I would caution others regarding taking that attitude. In a legal or regulatory case, the ambiguities, of which there are many, agreed, will be a weak defense. And in the meantime you will be out a lot of money and suffering fighting it.

This is of course not really right and is unjust, but it is the way it is.

But heh, if people want to test that I personally think that is a good thing, but it will likely be very costly. I would just know going in the possible cost and consequences.