Request advice on what to do next...


New member
First off, thank you for making this forum available to people like me. I have found so much information useful already. I am 42 years old and brand new to aviation.

I recently retired after just under 23 amazing years in the military. Towards the end, as work slowed down (not by choice) and my kids got older, I started suffering from memory loss, severe pain, anxiety, and suicidal ideations.

I held an executive-level position in a sensitive military field, I was ashamed to get help so this went on for a while. Actually, a long while before it got so bad I eventually started to burn my leave, work even later to make up for my increasing confusion and lost time before finally getting help. I knew in my head I was no longer able to maintain my standard and it was getting worse.

Bottom line: I am on an unapproved antidepressant (Cymbalta). I have been on this since 02/2018. With positive results.

In October 2017, I was diagnosed with MDD severe, complex childhood PTSD, combat-related PTSD, and a pretty substantial volume of injuries I had not worried about in my career due to OPTEMPO; torn ligaments, broken bones, etc. I was pulled out of work and enrolled in the wounded warrior program and placed in an intensive outpatient program. This was extremely difficult for me as work helped me cope.

While in intensive outpatient, I attempted suicide the week of my 40th birthday. It was the same week I had to give a combat scenario timeline. Celebrating my BD I got drunk and had stopped taking my medication a week or so before... My wife found me in the garage at 0100 or 0200. This is documented. Lesson learned.

I have been saving for months to start pilot training. I had asked the question about my mental health many times but heard what I wanted.

Requesting advice, help, direction on how to obtain a medical certification to fly six or fewer people. My wife and I bought a house on a lake in Washington. We live here with our three teenagers. My wife works out here for the Army Corps of Engineers.

I have a lucrative skillset that I can no longer use and flying is something I have dreamed of my entire life. I could possibly be a flight instructor, or give tours; who knows! The possibilities are endless!

When I got to the point of actually needing to get my medical exam complete I found out I am not qualified due to the medications I am taking and possibly other things too.

For me, it's about the freedom to travel. See the world from a different perspective and ultimately give me purpose.

If any of you have been in a similar situation or advice on what I need to do, I would love to hear it. If this isn't possible for me, I rather know sooner than later. Based on what I have read, I am afraid to talk with anybody official.

Thank you all for your time.
I would just second the idea of maybe starting in gliders if you are well enough to self certify that you are healthy enough to safely fly them.

They are an excellent way to learn how a set of wings and controls fly in the air. You can do an add-on for power later, medical conditions permitting.

And who knows, you might really come to enjoy soaring :emoji846:
