Required items in a lesson plan


Staff member
Another question related to my thread on purchasing lesson plans.

Is there an explicit requirement that all the items mentioned in the PTS for a particular task be covered in a lesson on that task?

For example, consider section II B, Runway incursion avoidance. There are 17 specific items listed there. Is there an FAA requirement that a lesson on runway incursion avoidance given by the CFI applicant must include all 17 items to be considered satisfactory? Is that a common standard which is used by DPEs?

And if it is a requirement, where is that documented in an advisory circular, handbook, order, or regulation?

Again it seems the new CFI applicant ought to be able to refer to some official document or guidance on this.

Thanks again for the informative answers on my other related questions.
AggieMike88 said:
The requirement is "the applicant exhibits instructional knowledge of the elements related to..."

So for the examination, you need to have the knowledge of the items listed in enough depth to cover them. And I have been told to be ready to explain each part. Though some times there is overlap so one segment of what your talking about might check more than one box.

Thanks. What I am trying to understand though is if there is a requirement that a lesson given must mention all the listed items the first time given - if that is the appropriate examination standard? And if so, where is that documented so that a new applicant could know that?
dtuuri said:
A "lesson plan" is a unique one-time schedule for the time period you are about to begin. Customized for the environment and for the student.
Yes, thanks, that is what I try to do. However, I am trying to understand if there is any basis in an examination for a DPE to assert during an exam that it is required that a lesson plan cover all items mentioned for a task in the PTS. And that if the lesson fails to do so, it is thus necessarily unsatisfactory. Where is that requirement, if it exists, documented?
AggieMike88 said:
Look in the current PTS, Page 4, below the list of reference material... Starts with "The Objective lists...."

Also page 5, 2nd paragraph that starts, "The Objective of a Task...." and has 4 numbered elements below that.
Thanks, I see that. When I read that, I read it as saying that the applicant must have the knowledge and be able to teach those areas, but not a requirement or guideline that all lessons given by the applicant on the task must include all of those items in the lesson.

Do you read it that latter way?

I definitely do not mean to be difficult here, but am trying to parse this in a precise regulatory manner and see if there is support for the assertion that a lesson on a task must contain all the items mentioned or it must be considered unsatisfactory per FAA requirements.