Ridiculous Funeral for Police Officer


New member
Today, I was late for class because a funeral procession of at least 400 cop cars around the state and a massive roadblock motorcade in front of it was stopping up traffic. There were three helicopters overhead (could not tell if they were police or news) and 1200 people ended up attending the funeral. I have no problem with this, and even respect it for a police officer killed in duty...
BUT I think it's a HUGE waste of taxpayer money and resources to do this for... wait for it... a police DOG! (The dog died of stab wounds). It's also a bit of an insult to our service men and women who give their lives all the time and get no such hero's funeral. Thoughts?
alfadog said:
Per the link below, the suspect was a homeless man who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Prone to paranoia. Sequence of events leading to the dog's death seems to indicate suspect was responding to repeated threats from a policeman. His mental state seems to have been causal in his reaction.

No indication that any government agency or the 1200 people at the funeral for the dog would have shown any extraordinary kindness or generosity toward the suspect back when they could have done something more to preempt such an event. Think any of those 1200 people will now show the same level of support for the homeless mentally handicapped or unstable humans who periodically die ignoble deaths on the street that they did for the dog?


(Better to be a dog living with humans than a human living with humans? :()
jdennis1989 said:
Do we really need two threads in the same month about the same topic? I didn't join this site to bash police officers, but I guess that's all this site is now....
What other thread was about a public funeral for a dog?