Ron Levy account is now poadeleted20?

Jim Logajan

Staff member
This may turn into a Kafkaesque question since it may relate to a ban which may not be discussed even if you don't know it isn't supposed to be discussed (but that seems exceedingly unlikely,) but what's with Ron Levy's account profile display name being changed to poadeleted20 and no longer having a User ID?

Hope he's medically OK. I could understand his leaving PoA after 10 years, though.
Fearless Tower said:
I heard he had a little disagreement with the MC. I don't think he was banned. It was a voluntary departure, but I am not privy to those details.
Not sure what the point of changing the account profile was, though. I only noticed the issue while browsing an older thread and saw Ron Levy quoted in a post and went back up the thread to read the whole post and discovered the display name change.

As to a difference of opinion - it seems probable I'd have disagreed with Ron too, given our different views on things, but I do think the MC is seriously in need of an overhaul - all the pistons are showing signs of wear. PoA itself could use some new paint, too.
jesse said:
We've had a long standing policy of not deleting stuff. We will, on some occasions, change the username of an account if someone desires and asks nicely :)

Users are free to delete their own posts if they like.
How "long standing" has this policy been? In July of 2012 I had two posts deleted by the MC.
timwinters said:
And it appears as if your wound still hasn't healed.

I think Jesse meant deleting a user's posts en masse...not just one or two that are found to be substantially egregious.

I've had more than just a couple deleted here but you won't hear me whining about it three years later.
Jesse didn't add any qualifier - so what the harm is in calling attention to that lack of a qualifier?

(If I was all that upset I'd have silently left the forum a long time ago.)
SkyHog said:
If it matters, in 2011 (IIRC), I had a hissy fit over Ron and Chuck and went so far as to "almost" threaten lawsuit to get my posts deleted.

They didn't do it.
Those wounds can run pretty deep.

txflyer said:
This thread keeps popping up and every time I read it pedeolite20 like the baby food.
timwinters said:
I was going to comment earlier that I keep seeing "Ron Levy account is now pedophile20?"
If I had known the thread title would cause Freudian slips, I would have titled it "Ron Levy has left the building". But I wasn't quite sure of that at the time.
SixPapaCharlie said:
What is the chief counsel anyway?
I see that term around here. Who or what is that?
Some guy who smokes a pipe.