Saturn 5 FM

RotorAndWing said:
As I said, that isn't working for me, which is why I asked if the document on Amazon was the same thing. I get:

You don't have permission to access /ap12fj/pdf/a12_sa507-flightmanual.pdf on this server.
Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

EDIT: At least the NASA site didn't use the Corbomite Maneuver on me.
RotorAndWing said:
Don't know what to tell you, I view it just fine, as well as others. :dunno:

As far as amazon, I didn't take the time to look at it.
I went to the site using a proxy and got a copy, so the problem appears to be that NASA doesn't like accesses from my ISP - which is Exede, a satellite service. Ironic.

Anyway, thanks for the link and efforts. The document is effectively the same as the one sold on Amazon.