Should I report myself (ASRS)


New member
I never know when to ASRS or not and have not ever done so.

Just today, I wonder if I should report myself. I was flying west at 4,500 feet on flight following (So Cal). I then told ATC I was turning East, which would put me at an odd altitude of course on VFR. I started to descend when ATC informed me of traffic 500 feet below me, 1 o'clock. Since I didn't have the traffic in sight, I held off on descending into his flight path.

The controller came back on and asked me to "please descent to an appropriate VFR altitude." I replied that I had hesitated to descend earlier because of the traffic he told me about, but then I said I was starting an immediate descent to 3,500.

He seemed fine with this. However, do technical deviations like this, even when they are for a good reason, sometimes result in FAA action?

And should I report to ASRS or is this just way too trivial?
MachFly said:
West/east cruising altitudes are a recommendation, that is why they are in the AIM, not the FAR.
Actually the hemispheric rules are in the regulations; see under:
§91.159 - VFR cruising altitude or flight level.