So Cal to Seattle - Ideas for Longest Cross Country Yet?


New member
Weather willing (no IFR yet), I'm flying from So. Cal (KWHP) to Arlington Washington (KAWO) in August. This will be my longest cross country ever. I do love longer trips, as I'm not occupied full time tuning coms and talking to ATC like I am in So Cal.

Any advise on routes, stopover points (can do non-stop, but prefer a break)? I'm in a Cirrus SR22 and will probably true out around 170 knots average LOP. I don't mind going a bit further if I can avoid really high altitudes, though I do have built-in oxygen and non-FIKI anti-ice.

Any info and advise much appreciated!

Thank you.
Expect fire TFRs and smoky/hazy visibility at times since August is fire season time.

I've flown on both the east and west sides of the Oregon Sierras around that time of the year - can't say I see a big advantage in one way up over the other. West side of the Sierras I expect you'll get some orographic turbulence if it is windy, and on the east side some thermal turbulence. Higher altitudes reduce both of course. Terrain to the east appears to have more terrain allowing for safer emergency landings than the forested mountainous terrain to the west (at least in southern Oregon; once you make the Willamette valley the terrain is nicer.)

I notice that a route via O46, Weed CA, avoids a lot of high terrain but still takes you near some scenic terrain. That route should allow cruise the whole way at 6500. Weed would make for a good half-way stop for fuel and potty break, but unless you pack a lunch it doesn't appear to have any easy to reach eating places.

It is the nature of diagonal lines that you could swing pretty far east or west of the straight line to your destination and not add much extra flight time. So you could go as far west as Shelter Cove (0Q5) or as far east as, um, maybe Boise? Adds a little over half an hour at your likely speeds.