So what should I buy?

mike d

New member
I own a rv-6a now but need more seats for the growing family.

- 4 place (a true 4 place)
- 150knts +
- can usa a 2000' runway safely
- landing speed under 70knts
- prefer modern, but would be happy with a well maintained classic with some modern instruments.
- around $200k, but I am cheap so less is better
- 60 to 70 percent hamburger runs but some long cross countries

Planes I have started to look at:
- RV-10
- Columbia 300 or 350
- cirrus SR20 or 22
- Navion
- C180 or C182

Not sure that I want a certified because I like to tinker with the plane. Not just fix stuff, but change things too.

I need the rear seats to be usable and comfortable. So no rear facing seats like the sportsman or wheeler. The Lancair's are out either due to price or the rear seats are not comfortable.
Canards are out due to landing speed and runway usage.

So, what say you? What plane should I be looking for?
Glasair Sportsman?

150 kts cruise
Vso 42 kts
Useful 1150 lbs
Full fuel payload 850 lbs
Two weeks to taxi: $180k + whatever

Edit: Nevermind. Overlooked that you had explicitly ruled the Sportsman out due to rear seats facing the wrong way. It can be (and has been) built with rear seats that face forward.