Solving the last mile(s) problem


New member
Yesterday I received my new Brompton folding bike - boy, those things are just brilliant. Looking at them you'd think they ride funny, but that is not the case at all. They are comfortable, solid, fast... and fold so small that it's simple to stick them in the baggage compartment of the Cessna. No fiddling necessary, they just fit through the door and take less space than the stepstool does.

One of the main driving forces behind ordering this bike was precisely that. So now I can solve the last (4-5) mile problem - I have clients that have a convenient public strip fairly close to their office, but no public transportation option. In all honesty, it might take about the same amount of time overall to drive there because my home airport is in a different direction and I have to preflight and tie down after I land, but driving is of course a lot less fun.

Now I can land, pop out the Brompton, and ride to the office, even getting a bit of exercise in the process.

Anyone else doing the same?
acrophile said:
Cool. Does it roll when folded, or do you have to carry it?
I normally just carry it. I just now experimented and while it can be rolled some, after a fashion, on one wheel while folded, I had to stoop while pulling. I believe it would just be easier to unfold any folding bike and ride or walk it as far as one can before circumstances dictate a fold and carry.

According to the fBike blog there is a third party bag that one can buy to put their bike in (the bag appears to work with other folding bikes.) I haven't got the bag yet - mostly because I just found out about its existence.
Lawreston said:
I just talked to fbikedirect, referenced your post, told the guy where your airport is. He within a few moments said, "Yes, we shipped one to Oregon in November. That must have been your order.
I'll go back to their website and get one shipped to Georgetown, Maine.

I was about to email them. By the way - you'll need to put it in diagonally if you put it in the baggage compartment. It was easier to get out than put in. I didn't try putting it in the back seat. I think next time I'm at the airport (probably not for a while - too much work coming up, alas) I'll see if I can fit it in the back of a C-152. The 152 I fly solo a lot could use a more rearward CG.