Some clarification needed


New member
Hey guys, new here. In the process of obtaining my private.

My questions are in regards to some of the regulations. I've searched but haven't found anything touching on my exact questions so I'm going to ask here.

First, is it legal to have someone pay for your training or does it classify as being compensated? If that IS legal to do does it stop being legal after your receive the private and from there you are required to pay for your other ratings?

Next is, once I obtain my private license, I understand you can't be hired to fly but if my family member or friend says "hey the weather is nice we should go for a flight" and he pays his half, would that mean I've been hired since it was someone elses idea to fly?

Third, someone can't gift me flight time? Like say its my birthday and my mom wants to pay for me to enjoy some flight time, no go? I typically receive cash for Christmas and birthdays so would I be breaking the law to use that money to go fly?

I'm just looking to clarify, I am not trying to find ways to break the law or anything.

Thanks guys and girls.