Someone willing to rent me a car at Willits, CA, for a few hours?


New member
I am flying in to pick up my kids from camp on Saturday, 8/1, and need a car at O28.

There is a local Enterprise agent, but they are closed on the weekends. The Ukiah office is open but the drop off will be a problem.

I need the car from noon to 6PM or so, and will be driving up with their grandma to Camp Winnarainbow and back (so roughly 65 miles round trip).

Anyone in that area willing to loan me their car for a fee? Sharing is caring! :)
onwards said:
How about Ukiah or Garberville?
One of these two shuttle firms may be open to transporting you from Garberville to and from that camp:

Expect to pay a lot, though. I used one of them (they seemed to be roughly equivalent in fares) to travel between Garberville and Shelter Cove when Shelter Cove was socked in with fog.

Can't hurt to email or phone both to get an idea of the cost and availability.

There was someone else I recall speaking to that I think was actually farther south of Garberville and probably more relevant to your target locale, but I can't seem to find any record of my exchanges with that person. I vaguely recall him being based out of Uikiah but he was willing (for a price) to drive all the way up to Garberville and thence shuttle to/from Shelter Cove.