SOO sick of the cityits


New member
So I had some flying work in KFRG a little while ago, stayed at Shletair, great folks, paid them for parking and fuel and stuff, did my work, couple days later went back home.

Well now in good NYC fashion, folks are coming to be looking for handouts, just got a "bill"' for $10 for "landing fees" at the airport, WTF?! Didn't I pay that to the FBO?

Anyone have any info on this, it's only $10 bucks, but it's the principle of the matter.

bnt83 said:

"All airports with implemented or planning to implement landings fees must;
a) Publish them in the airport facility directory;
b) Fees must be collected at the time of landing or departure and not after the fact;
c) Clearly noted at each airport entrance/exit;
d) Every effort made to make payment easy and convenient for operators.
What is this PBOR 3? Given that the fee was assessed by the NY DOT, finding if they are violating regulations would likely have the biggest impact.