Southwest POA Fly-in at Winslow AZ (KINW) March 24 2018


Staff member
Ok, a bunch of people have expressed interest in this, so how about trying a PoA Flyin on this upcoming March 24 at KINW?

We meet at the FBO there (Wiseman Aviation) around 11 AM and plan on getting lunch from the Mexican restaurant (E & O Kitchen) just behind it.

Weather could be good or rather bad that time of year so we’ll have to be flexible.
Well, unexpected things in life can get in the way of flying. It turns out I will be attending a preview day for my son's college on the 24th in Prescott, so won't be able to make this fly-in. I think about 6 people have said they are going so my first inclination is to wish you all a very good time and hopefully I will be able to make the next one. Darn, I was looking forward to meeting people in person.

If everyone would prefer to delay, I will look for a date later in April or May to replace, but imagine it is just best to keep this date as is for this time around.
We flew down from Prescott to KCHD late Saturday afternoon. Winds at KPRC not unlike those reported at KINW. Was a bit bumpy but not too bad in a C177. Steeper rim may have been rougher though I suppose.