Spin Zone or No Spin Zone, That Is The Question...


Here is a way to voice your opinion to the "MC" (morons in charge) on their ill advised decision to cancel the SZ.

The SZ served a vital purpose for venting. Sure it got carried away from time to time, but always it remained civil. It was an excellent way to learn the opposing view and listen to others with differing views. Doesn't mean I agreed with them (or ever will), but I got to hear them.

With the closing of the SZ the onlyt person I can argue with my wife. If I get divorced I'm suing POA and the morons in charge!! ;) 🤣
timwinters said:
And, for a case in point of vitriol...in this case IN the SZ. I didn't understand why X got banned
Sounds bad. It could be that, but for the existence of the SZ, that person would have remained a civil-sounding poster to the board.

But consider that we are posting to a thread that is violating an MC rule. And your discussion of why a poster was banned would seem to violate the rule "Bans and warnings, actual or suspected, shall not be discussed on the forums."

Also, consider that you started a poll thread (now deleted) that was basically an attempt to insult me (in violation of a forum rule) - I'm not sure why you believe that shutting down the SZ is going to change anything for the better. Technically you (and I) would have been warned in private first with chapter and verse of the rules we have violated, then banned if we persisted. I have not yet been warned I've violated any rule. Anyway, I don't think the underlying problem is or can be addressed using the tools the MC is applying.

In theory (and often in practice) people can discuss politics and religion civilly - and I think that is often the case among those who know how to articulate and support their positions. It is probably the people who are unable to articulate that lose control. Sometimes through no fault of their own.
timwinters said:
You certainly are digging deep to find things to be offended about.
Eh? I'm not offended by anything (except cheap wine.) I guess my writing has gone to hell if you drew that conclusion.

Let me try again in a different way:
If the MC rigorously enforced all the Rules of Conduct so that they warned and then banned members who violated the rules, you would be among the first to go based on the posts you've made recently. You'd ironically be a victim of the very group that you are strongly defending.

But none of your posts or insults have offended me. It's a pity your poll thread got canned. I thought it was amusing how it turned out.
weilke said:
Beechtalk had a political thread. Same problem as spinzone, people couldn't keep the heated discussions restricted to the political thread and it bled out into the greater forum. The owners just deleted the thread and fixed the problem.
Beechtalk forums aren't publicly accessible, for one. Another differing factor may be the ratio of moderators to posters. And especially how aggressive the moderators are willing to work to deal with miscreants.

On PoA it is often stressed that moderators are unpaid volunteers, which appeals to the wrong motivations in both the posters and the moderators. People will hesitate to "bother" the unpaid moderators because they've heard so many times how it is something of an imposition to moderate. Not to mention the cultural tendency to not rat on someone when everyone else seems to be OK with violations. The moderators, in turn, have said how they rely on posters to report violations because it is impossible, or at least an imposition, to expect them to read every post on every thread.
Re: **** Zone or No **** Zone, That Is The Question...

DJTorrente said:
Currently 2,022 votes to close the SZ. There were about 30 votes total this afternoon.

We managed to get 10% of registered members to vote in this one little poll, 60% more than are even online at the moment, and they all voted in favor of the MC decision.

Who says Democrat politics is dead?
That "result" is a sure sign this thread will be gone shortly. Ask me how I know....