Suggestions for GA youtube/vimeo video


New member
If you could suggest the content for videos to be produced for youtube/vimeo/etc, by a general aviation aircraft manufacturer, what type of videos would you like to see? For example, a history of the company, innovations/model changes, a tour of the factory, time-lapse video of a plane being built, optional aircraft equipment demonstrations, a video owner's manual, maintenance/troubleshooting, misc educational (specify), product frequently asked questions, beautyshots of the aircraft in flight, or video edited picture-in-picture with in-plane cameras as if watching a simulator. These are only examples, additional suggestions are welcome.

So what type of video would you like to see? Your suggestions may very well turn into video, so fire away :)
If you could suggest the content for videos to be produced for youtube/vimeo/etc, by a general aviation aircraft manufacturer, what type of videos would you like to see?
For example, a history of the company,
No - can read about that.

innovations/model changes, a tour of the factory, time-lapse video of a plane being built,
Not interesting to me. Perhaps others might find some of that interesting.

optional aircraft equipment demonstrations, a video owner's manual, maintenance/troubleshooting,
Yes to all of the above. Video shots of the inside and outside; what is visibility like in the pattern? Steady slow pan of a camera inside a cockpit of a plane in flight is something that helps me decide whether I'd like to look further at that model. How tight or roomy is the cockpit with pilot and passengers aboard? A video of the model in question and a comparison video showing same people in some well known models most people would be familiar with (Cessna, Cherokee) would be useful.

misc educational (specify), product frequently asked questions, beautyshots of the aircraft in flight, or video edited picture-in-picture with in-plane cameras as if watching a simulator. These are only examples, additional suggestions are welcome.
These might be OK, but none seem terribly compelling.

So what type of video would you like to see? Your suggestions may very well turn into video, so fire away :)
Have to think about it. So far not much to suggest other than some of the items already mentioned. A video of a typical preflight for the aircraft model(s) might not win any academy awards, but might be helpful training-wise and provide a way to show off unique aspects of the aircraft at the same time.