Taking a Break From Flying After Ten Years


New member
After being a pilot for ten years and logging 400 hours I am ready to take a break for awhile. I’m very torn about this, but the thrill of being a private pilot is fading and it’s become so hard to recapture what I once felt. Flying has become more of a chore than something I enjoy doing. The last three times I went flying was to do the bare minimum to stay current. Three touch n go’s at my home airport. I haven’t done any night flying or IFR in 5 years.

I really used to love flying. I started as a student pilot in 2002 when I was 26 years old, got my private pilot’s license in 2003, and got my instrument rating in 2004. I decided not pursue a career in the airlines and instead got my 4 year degree and decent paying job. I let my instrument rating lapse and decided to just fly for fun.

However it seems like I barely have the time anymore. I’m married and work full time. Right now, at age 36 the thrill I used to feel is gone and doing a BFR every 2 years and renewing my medical every 3 years seems more like an inconvenience.

I’m sure part of it is the high cost to rent a Cessna 172. The hourly cost wet is almost 100% more than what it was ten years ago. Last summer I flew to another airport with a friend to have breakfast. When I got back to my FBO the cost was over $230. I remember thinking how that would get me a roundtrip flight somewhere on a commercial airline, or a weekend getaway with my wife. It’s getting harder for me to justify the cost.

I just feel really bad about quitting general aviation, even if it’s not forever. I put so much time and money into it over the years. I wonder if I stop for a few years if I will ever come back. Does anyone relate to what I’m going through? Has anyone quit flying and then started again later?
