TFRs, Secured Assetts vs Security Theater


New member
The NATO TFR thread got me thinking wouldn't it be simpler to permanently protect high value targets with equipment like Phalanx rather than to go through security theater?

Ever since the dude crashed into the White House we've had it there. If we are actually 'at war' with our war on terror, why don't we act it? If attacking aircraft are the threat why aren't we armed against that threat? We all know the realities of dispatching a plane or helo to shoot down an attacker, they'll show up in time to take the first (unless a news chopper is closer already covering the event) aerial photos of the aftermath, I don't care how close the base and if the guy is sitting 'runway ready' poised to light the burners.

We have a great weapons system for taking all or most of the energy out of an approaching projectile and rendering both its kinetic energy and conventional explosive force ineffective at the distances engaged.

Lets just get the high value targets secured with some R2D2 pods and give the local NG units a couple mobiles on flatbeds to secure random events and just get on with our lives.
Bob Noel said:
Airbus 380 diving on the target. By the time it's in range and destroyed, the debris is going to wipe out the target.
According to Wikipedia, Airbus A380F MTOW is 590,000 kg.
Maximum design speed 551 knots (283 m/s)

M = 590,000 kg
V = 283 m/s
E = M*V*V/2 = 2.36*10[sup]10[/sup] J

1 kg TNT contains 4.184*10[sup]6[/sup] J

So the kinetic energy is equivalent to 5,647 kgs of TNT.

By comparison the "Mother of All Bombs," the second most powerful non-nuclear bomb so far built, has a yield of about 5*10[sup]10[/sup] J.