2700 metric tons of AN. That's probably one of the larger conventional explosions. Same ballpark as the Grandcamp and multiples of tonnage set off in the Tianjin, West and Oppau disasters.
So if my calculations are correct that the explosive power of AN by weight is about 1/12 that of TNT, then this would be the equivalent of 224 ton of TNT.
The conventional test explosion for the Trinity Test site was evidently 100 ton of TNT. So this was a bit over twice that.
The atomic explosion of The Gadget itself was about 17k ton TNT equivalent. So this was about 1/75 of the first atomic explosion.
Appears they forgot to correct for the difference between AN, which exploded here, and TNT. Typical clueless reporting by the MSM.
If you look at photos of what happened in Hiroshima versus what happened in Beirut, fairly clear there is a large difference in blast size. Of course, Hiroshima was an air burst versus this on the ground.