The $1500 flight bag

Jim Logajan

Staff member
Gear I load in my flight and headset bags:

$600 iPad 2
$100 WingX on the iPad
$100 Dual Bluetooth GPS
$450 Zaon MRX PCAS
$250 Pacific Avionics ANR Headset

The kneeboard, charts, and pretty much everything else amount to the proverbial drop in the bucket, money wise. Thank goodness I'm a miser at these things, compared to some of you! :wink2:
murphey said:
Wait- you mean I should have included the software (ipad, 196) and the 3 headsets for pax?
I forgot to include the passenger headset. Included that makes my stuff $1750.
SCCutler said:
I have a pretty firm policy against toting-up the money tied up in, or spent on an ongoing basis for, flying. It is simply not a healthy thing to do.
Hopefully you are being humorous.