So as the title of this topic suggests, I am a dirt poor, wannabe pilot. My name is Michael. I am 25 years old, and have a pretty crappy part time job working in a toll booth. I have a bunch of college credits (in english literature and piano performance), but have no degree. I currently and quite literally live in my parents basement. I fly about once a week depending on the weather and my CFI's availability and have 15.9 hours pre solo. I have aspirations of making this a career. Sometimes I ask myself if I am behind in life and why I am not out on my own living in some dank studio apartment choking down ramen noodles every night like some of my friends. I don't think I'd be happy doing that though. I refuse to settle for that. I don't want to end up as some 50 something wondering why I wasted my life trying to improve its standard by pursuing money. I want to do something fun with my life and not some mundane, living day to day to pay the bills existence. Just the thought of it depresses me. So I trudge through the days looking up, yearning to one day be one of the over worked, underpaid, professional pilots. Am I crazy? Probably. It's a pleasure to meet you.