The twelve greatest designs of the last 100 years

ScottM said:
The design was great, booted DOS from the home computing market.
If one measures "great" software by how wide spread it gets used in terms of applications, then the design of the Unix operating system (and C computer language) is a strong candidate. If you are reading this on an iPhone, iPad, (BSD Unix) or Android device (Linux Unix) the underlying operating system design has roots going back to 1969.

Unix has been used for decades in what are known as Class 5 telephone switches (the machines that handle POTS telephone call routing) and were intended to be 99.999% reliable (known in the trade as five nines reliability.)

Unix was showing up in a lot of machines well before Linux arrived on the desktop.

Likewise the design/invention of the field effect transistor has to rank among the top ten design advances of all time.
flyingcheesehead said:
Yeah, but FETs alone aren't all that compelling - It's when you combine zillions of them into an integrated circuit that the real magic happens.
But you can't combine zillions of them if you first don't have a design for at least one. Bipolar junction transistors existed but used too much power to scale to zillions in small spaces.

Anyway the list in the OP article was silly for too many reasons.