Tie Down Knots


New member
I can't find it in the AIM. I was never a boy scout. I haven't spent much time on a boat. No where was it covered in my PPL or IR training. So can someone point me to a good video or diagram of how to tie those cool knots that everyone uses to tie down planes with? You know, the ones that you can undo quickly and have a foot or two of double rope between the wing and the knot? Due to a mistaken past career choice, I can tie a half windsor better than Gorden Gekko but that's about it for me and knots. Thanks.
Dr. O said:
The problem is people so dependent upon our high tech society that they cannot tie a simple knot...

When the real deal solar burp happens and the Earth takes a head on CME wiping out the satellites, blowing out the magnetosphere like a child blowing out a candle and sending the power grid up in flames, what are you folks going to do?
Good point. I'm ordering a solar powered knot-tying machine.