To all the students out there.


New member
I figured I'd throw this out there. I just got my PPL last weekend (April 28th) it took alot of work and determinitation and patience (from me and my CFI) if you feel like giving up but want a kick in the butt to get done let me know. I have more hours then *most* had when they got their PPL but hey it's just a number. I've had more things happen during the training then most have happen in their flying career. I think I've helped some other people on this board and want to encourage you. Basically what I'd say is follow your dream of flying, remind yourself why you started this journey into flight!
saracelica said:
See post #3. Evidentially I don't have enough experience to help others. Blech.
Actually you have more than enough aviation experience to help others. Those of us who have followed your progress know that.

If the "Captain" wants to know your history, the forum software has made it trivial to find all the posts you've ever made here and all the responses you've gotten to them. His query doesn't need any detailed reply other than a direction to review the forum record if the issue concerns him that much.
Ted DuPuis said:
The last time I made a statement like that, I was in 8th grade, and I said it to a teacher of mine. As one might imagine, I was put in my place, as I should have been.

I'm not sure why Captain is getting chastised for politely questioning an adult making a very arrogant statement such as this.
Someone basically claiming they had made more mistakes than anyone else is a sign of arrogance? You have an inverted sense of the meaning of arrogance, assuming you understand its meaning at all.

Arrogance is defined as an attitude of superiority, manifested in overbearing manner, such as calling another adult a child and making authoritative assertions. And claiming "politeness" at the same time as belittling another. What ironic juxtaposition!

The totality of her initial post was one of reaching out to other students to supply needed empathy from one who had already received a lot of criticism for not being a good enough student from some people on this forum. It takes a lot of deliberate disregard of intent to turn that on its head with the intent to beat up the poster.

I think I am getting really annoyed with people like yourself and the self-proclaimed "Captain" who cannot let any mild and irrelevant (as in "it doesn't affect the intent or goal of the posting one bloody iota") sentence go unchallenged and refuse to "lose" any invented on-line battle, no matter the consequence.

Please take your defense of the "Captain's" inane and ultimately irrelevant complaint to a place where the sun don't bloody shine.

(Grumble. Too d*mn many self-important cliques forming on this forum. Kind of like some grade schools, ironically.)
Captain said:
If the original statement (more experiences than most) was, as you put it, "a mild and irrelevant (as in "it doesn't affect the intent or goal of the posting one bloody iota") sentence" then why couldn't she simply step back from the comment?
She tried to in post 12. She tried to explain to you that it was based on a feeling, not an objective survey of all pilot experiences. You missed that, for reasons that I do not understand.

Are you looking for some sort of formally worded apology and/or retraction? If so, why? Now I'm curious what your motivation is for dogging this subject.
Ted DuPuis said:
Don't worry, you've been annoying yourself! :yesnod:
I know you are, but what am I? (Hint: Pee-wee Herman)

Well, that was uncalled for. :nono:
I dislike stooping to personal attacks, since they do nothing useful - I like to think that it takes a bit of prodding and provocation for me to engage in them.

Yeah, well you wear a funny hat. Nyah. :D
I look even funnier without the hat.