To Give, or Not to Give... the MedXpress Number


New member
What is the current practice when applying for your first medical (in many years)? I've heard people suggest withholding the application number from the AME until you are sure you're going to pass. Is this a standard thing? Won't the doctor think it's unusual/get put off that he has to examine me before I give him everything?

How many of you do this?

Thanks in advance!
[QUOTE="AggieMike88, post: 2788938, member: 6978]"but prevents the staff or the AME from "accidentally" making the exam go live. [/QUOTE]

This actually happens - and can cost you months or years of delay and thousands of dollars.
Velocity173 said:
Ok, I can understand that but I think that information could also easily be obtained with an online search. Find out what you’d need to bring in for the “live” physical.
I think it really does take an expert to interpret the history in light of the FAA requirements these days. There are a lot of snafus and gotchas that can show up.

Always do a consult first.
Velocity173 said:
If the OP doesn’t plan on answering yes to any of the questions on the 8500, it’s an easy 30-45 minute in and out
I wonder what fraction are like that nowadays? I suppose for younger people there could be a fair number.

The only other caution for people to be aware of, which has been mentioned by others, is that if you are denied, then you are potentially locked out of other recreational options, such as light sport, or will need to do a potentially expensive special issuance.

I will certainly always advise my students to do a consult, either as a separate visit or work with a AME who can do sequential visits for a lower cost.