To my MC friends

timwinters said:
Threads like this one - questioning every move the MC makes, even though they remain quite tolerant - are also quite unneccesary and unproductive.
If they are going to be "tolerant" then they need to change the rules they've written to match that tolerance. As it is, they are applying the written rules so inconsistently that they may as well not bother.

And how hard would it have been to simply move AuntPeggy's thread to the SZ versus closing it?

Lastly, I don't question every move the MC makes - just the ones I see as unnecessary and unproductive.
timwinters said:
Remind me of you would please.

How much do you pay to be here?
A tiny amount, I admit. I think I'm out maybe $30 for paying to remove ads from the member map I took the initiative in creating. Plus some time in tweeking it and minor maintenance - though AuntPeggy has graciously taken over the latter job when I thought I'd be spending more time on and not much here.

Hmm. Only other thing is a few bucks long distance charges chatting with Kimberly trying to arrange the closest thing to a PoA fly-in we've had out on the west coast. Nothing compared to the efforts and expenses put forth by others for PoA fly-ins east of the Rockies.

Gosh, I guess this means I'm a big jerk or meanie, eh?

Though I do realize you're attempting to invoke the principle of reciprocity guilt to make me feel terrible or bad about my criticism, I'm afraid I really am too much of a jerk to be swayed by that. Sorry. Not. Volunteers who find it difficult to give the job the effort that is needed should find their own replacement (or request help if they have a problem even with that) and then resign. (Our rural fire district depends on its volunteers, so for some things a volunteer can't put in half-efforts and expect to continue as a volunteer.)

Anyway, perhaps you can answer this - why do you suppose the MC closed AuntPeggy's "To my gay friends" thread 12 days after it was realized very early (and reported in post 4!) by all astute observers that it belonged (per the alleged rules) in the Spin Zone? And when the MC finally acted, why didn't they simply move it as requested and then post a thread telling interested parties where they could go find it? It's almost as if the MC/PoA has it in for AuntPeggy's threads. (It was that aspect that had me put only a ROFL emoticon in the first post of this thread. I found the MC funny.)

(Oh yeah - I didn't even notice that my thread about Ron Levy's account had been closed about the same time as the "To my gay friends" thread. I have no objection to the MC closing my thread at all. It was nice that the MC actually gave a reasonable reason for the closure of that thread. See, I don't criticize all the actions of the MC! Besides, I don't know where to feed the coins to get credit allowance for more criticism.)
Fearless Tower said:
The latest addition to my list.
Marcus Licinius Crassus: Arrests are in progress. The prisons began to fill. In every city and province, lists of the disloyal have been compiled. Tomorrow, they will learn the cost of their terrible folly... their treason.

Gracchus: Where does my name appear on the list of the disloyal enemies of the state?

Marcus Licinius Crassus: First.

(Sorry, I can't help it - I'm always reminded of that scene in Spartacus whenever people talk about any sort of list of undesirables.)