Too Big To Fly


New member
Hello all,

My name is Chris and I am roughly 400 lbs at 6'4". I took my Discovery flight on Sunday and the flight instructor called me today and said she would be unable to train me because of my size. Here I am now with a pilot log with .5 hours signed off and on the computer looking for options. We were pretty tight in the cockpit at first but it seemed to get more comfortable as we adjusted around. We flew a cessna 172 out of Lenawee County Airport. My instructor was a smaller woman, maybe 145 lbs soaking wet. She had an occurence with another trainee that was 300 lbs starting to land and he "locked up" and she couldn't get the controls away from him. I understand her fear, she said all of my turns were very smooth and well controlled and that i had a "nac" for flying. I am an ex-football player, i have no medical issues, i have a very large frame though. Are their any schools that will work around that, or am i just dreaming the impossible. I am open to honesty, and I never like to give up. Any and all responses will be helpful. I live in South East Michigan and would love to learn from a school close by.