Touch and Go's


New member
I was reading some other threads and there seems to be two distinct camps on whether touch and Go's are acceptable in training. I am currently a pre solo student pilot training at an airport with a 7000 and 8000 X 150 runways. Both of the instructors I have had have me doing touch and Go's. I've also done several runs down the runway at 10 feet or so which I found to be incredibly demanding but fantastic training. Tell me your reasons for or against T&G's.
John Collins said:
IMHO, doing T&G teach the student to do T&G.
I got pretty good at 'em. But yeah, other than saving a few minutes of time and depriving me the time to ponder at leisure the landing I had just made before doing another takeoff, the sequence of things you have to rapidly do doesn't match anything you'd need to do in any other maneuver that I'm aware of.
brcase said:
But a T&G doesn't have to be different from a go around. So if it concerns you practice the T&G just like the Go around. It can be the exact same sequence as the Go around and teaches that sequence a lot better than doing an occasional go around.

If you can't slow down to a taxi speed on the touch and go, the do a full stop.

Full throttle with full flaps when you're already part way down the runway?
Is this how you do T&Gs or is this just an untested suggestion?

Wouldn't that sequence be more dangerous for those flying planes with electric flaps on shorter or higher altitude runways? Don't you risk the possibility of lifting off earlier than anticipated and then sinking back to the runway as the flaps finally become fully retracted?