Traffic Controllers Furloughs

supernovae said:
That chart is terrible because it fails to account for population or inflation.. it's also wrong :)
The following chart comes from this site:
And as can be seen claims the source of the data is from somewhere on this page:
Tommy3 said:
I thought political discussions were not permitted in the regular forums. Why is right-wing cant allowed?
"Not permitted" isn't quite accurate - the rules are written a bit more loosely re enforcement (e.g "...Pilots of America shall have the right, but not the obligation....") You could insert a left-wing view and, so long as the dialog remains reasonably civil I suspect the moderators wouldn't move or close the thread. At least, that is my best guess based on my observation of past threads that seemed equally political.
wsuffa said:
Take the political stuff to Spin ZOne.

This thread has now drifted away from ATC furloughs to outright budget/political stuff.
You may accuse me of not comprehending plain English, or perhaps you'll grudgingly concede you don't always follow the rules you threaten to enforce, but it seems you have not exactly been above posting political stuff outside the Spin Zone; e.g.:

The rules don't require you to shut or move threads, so why not wait till the metaphorical fire starts? Even then, seems to me the only thing that gets burned when they do is some adult egos....

I don't think anyone's eyes are forced (as in "A Clockwork Orange") to read these threads, so the offended would seem to have a lot of nothing to stand upon.