Tragic Utah Crash Involving a “1966 Cessna Piper 28-21490”


New member
The circumstances of the crash are truly tragic, to be sure. The Female pilot was very experienced, and sounds like a hell of a person to have known. This post is not about that.

We make memes about how the media describes these things, but here it is, in real life, from the article:

“Federal Aviations Administration lists that Seigel had a commercial pilot certificate and instrument qualifications for helicopters and had private privileges for a single engine land airplane like her 1966 Cessna Piper 28-21490 she was flying Thursday.”
Agreed speculative. It looks like it was about 20 mins after sunset. That is on the west side of the Great Salt Lake and a lot fewer lights over there to indicate the presence of a mountain. There was a full moon.

Flying over mountains at night in a single is not a choice I would normally make with passengers, and only rarely solo.
Wow, deliberately flying at night over mountainous terrain with a passenger and clearing terrain by small amounts. Terrible ADM. So sorry for the families loss.

I do wonder if plane not equipped with ADS-B out so poor choices being made.