TSA gets Bruce Schneier "uninvited" to hearings

TSA pressures Congress to "uninvite" Bruce Schneier, renowned security expert and outspoken TSA critic from hearings. http://bit.ly/GV68w6

(For those unaware, Schneier coined the term "security theater" many years ago and writes prolifically and intelligently on the subject of true vs. perceived 'security'. His original book, "Secrets and Lies" should be required reading for anyone involved in computer/network security.)
denverpilot said:
If one of the world's experts in what TSA is doing WRONG is banned because he also is suing to stop it, that's just wrong.
While I'm opposed to the TSA and all it stands for, consider this:

I have Bruce Schneier's book "Applied Cryptography" (2nd edition) on my bookshelf and have read a good portion of it - and while he is a bright guy - the bio on the book says only that his consulting firm specializes in cryptography and computer security and that he lectures on cryptography, computer security, and privacy. Almost none of that expertise would seem to carry over to securing airline transportation from terrorist attacks.