TSA: Resistance is Futile


New member
I have said people will role over on this and nothing will change. The CBS Poll stated that 4/5 people do not mind these intrusive searches and some of the responses have been that they had yet to encounter the new pat downs. But on Monday these were the types of responses that people were verbalizing about these new procedures:

"Whatever keeps the country safe, I just don't have a problem with," Leah Martin, 50, of Houston, said as she waited to go through security at the Atlanta airport.

Gehno Sanchez, a 38-year-old from San Francisco who works in marketing, said he doesn't mind the full-body scans. "I mean, they may make you feel like a criminal for a minute, but I'd rather do that than someone touching me," he said.

Jeannine St. Amand got a pat-down in front of her husband and two children. The 45-year-old from Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada, figured she got one because the underwire of her bra tripped the metal detector. "It's hard to remember all the restrictions. Next time, I'll wear a different bra," she said.
She opted to have the pat-down in public rather than private and said it was professional and done by a female agent.
"She tells you ahead of time what she is going to do, which is a good thing because that could be awkward," St. Amand said.

Most who don't like the screenings just grumble but don't really cause a big fuss, at least not that Cris Soulia, a TSA officer in San Diego and president of a local union, has heard or seen.

Baaaaaaaaahhhh baaaahhhhh


fgcason said:
Nice! I thought Crassus was born after both Gracchus brothers were killed. :confused:
I think Hollywood (or Howard Fast, not sure who is responsible) probably felt that since it was ~2000 years ago, they lived approximately at the same time (even if one died 50 years before the events depicted.) I suspect that two thousand years from now some fictional account may depict a clash between Hitler and Obama. :wink2: