Unairworthy Paperwork?

From a different Thread:

Henning said:
If you knowingly operate with defective paperwork, are you flying an unairworthy aircraft? :dunno:
I think the answer is yes. Argue this point or Agree?

Further, can this be extended to Careless or Reckless Operation?

What enforcement action could be imposed upon the pilot if he is ramped checked and it is discovered he knew of the discrepancy, accounted for it during flight planning, but did nothing to correct it?
Henning said:
Would get you sent home from a check ride. The initial quote was from a thread with a fundamental arithmetical error on the W&B sheet put there by the A&P. If one would use the sheet as it stood for a W&B calculation, the result would not be correct. That is just one example of defective paperwork.
Incorrect W&B - reminds me of this sad accident:
