US Capitol evacuated due to NORDO AIRLINER in ADIZ

Ron Levy said:
directly on course to the highest value targets we have in this country
  • Every single politician is replaceable.
  • Every single politician is a servant of the people.
  • There are many higher value targets in the U.S.
  • Lost comm is inevitable and will happen again.
  • Failure to perform proper lost comm procedures is inevitable and will happen again.
  • No politician or government entity in their right mind wants to be fingered for any shoot-down of a civilian aircraft filled with innocent passengers (yielding angry survivors) because the politicos valued their power and behinds over the lives of the passengers.
  • Given all of the above, and the specific details that have been reported, and the hubris of those in charge, more evacuations are inevitable and will happen again.
All in my humble opinion, of course!