Using SQL to query JSON


New member
For reasons that will otherwise remain unstated.. I have data living in JSON that is not currently being ported into any existing SQL table (sigh)

I need to pull data from the JSON, this is possible with SQL if you know the schema structure (which I do).. however I was warned by a dev that this was bad and potentially lethal to the system

I'm dubious of that claim since the data I am getting is coming off of completed and locked forms.. so the schema and data within the schema in theory will never change.. IE, no real deadlock threat

What am I missing?
DaleB said:
And this exact thing is why I gave up trying to do anything at all - ever - in Perl. Seems Perl applicaitons work just fine - as long as they're running on the original developer's computer, and don't nobody touch nuthin'.
I believe it has been described as a Write Only Language.