Vx or Vy climbout to increase chances of return to field?


New member
Departing from a field that doesn't have a lot of attractive options in case of engine failure on climbout, is it best to climb at Vx or Vy to provide the best position to get back to the field?
Bonchie said:
Looking at his last chart where he decides Vx and Vy are not appropriate for takeoffs, I'd be in the trees at my airport if I only gained 50 feet 3500 feet past the liftoff point.
I agree - but the reason I posted the link was the graphs of time-to-altitude and distance-to-altitude graphs for the Bonanza. The difference in slopes for the Vx and Vy speed amount to between 10% and 15%. In trying to fly over the proverbial 50 ft obstruction, that translates into 5 ft difference. That's not enough difference worth arguing over or pondering on.

So getting the airspeed anywhere between Vx and Vy seems to me "good enough" for most practical purposes - even at shorter runways.