Weather trends over large areas and time.


New member
I'm starting to do some planning for a cross country trip this summer, and I have quite a bit of flexibility on when to go, but will have to decide on dates in the next couple months. Basically looking at a 2 week window, sometime during June, July, or August. What is the best way to find out nationwide weather trends for these months? Or I guess the simpler question is which of these months generally has the least hazardous weather activity?

We'd be flying from Carlsbad, CA to Martha's Vineyard. Right now the planned route is more or less direct on the way there, then flying south down the east coast to the tip of florida and back along the gulf coast....hopefully.
I'm kinda short on strategic advice when it comes to long term weather planning. So far my list includes this:

(1) If intending to invade Russia, start before June.