Well, I'm done...


New member
...with college that is! Graduated this morning, with a fresh Professional Pilot B.S. degree in hand.

So now the fun begins; looking for a job. Any tips, suggestions, warnings, words of wisdom, ect would be great help.

My plans as of now? Well, I'm finishing up my multi-engine add-on in the next few weeks. Then I'm moving back to St. Louis to start CFI training. Along with that, I was planning on applying at AirNet, as I have a contact there through my old boss from KSUS. I have also been monitoring USAJobs on the off change they actually open for ATC applications. I'll also try to use my (limited) free time to volunteer at Wings Of Hope, to make some contacts, as well as possibly get some flight time.

Again, any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!
