Western ND: Piper Pacer - 1 Fatality

172sailor said:
„A non-instrument rated private pilot (issued five months ago) taking off in a 1953 PA-22-135 from a "private runway" into freezing fog at night?“

That is insane to say the least.
Waiting for the blood test...
I will also be very curious to hear more of the explanation for this. It boggles the mind. Could he really have been that clueless about weather after finishing his private?
iamtheari said:
It was the opening weekend of deer gun season here and it is somewhat common for hunters from eastern ND to travel to western ND to hunt. I wouldn't be surprised if we learn that he was hunting in western ND and had to get home to Fargo for something on Sunday or Monday.
Yes, maybe bad get-there-it’s and not realizing how truly dangerous a situation this was.